Company Founder and President
To become Vietnam’s top industrial company, offering a comprehensive range of integrated manufacturing services.
To continuously step up capabilities, fostering a friendly and creative workplace, and providing outstanding manufacturing services to customers.
Specialized in producing codes for US machining companies. We recognized the potential in bringing Vietnam engineering expertise to the global market.
Our first factory was opened in 2010. One particular Japanese customer then formed a joint venture with us from 2014 for machining business.
We started molding business in Hanoi to support our long-time customers in telecom. Today our products can be seen in almost every household across Vietnam.
CNCTech acquired shares in several large electronics companies, and invested into automation, sheet metal, and surface treatment businesses.
Acquired 150+ hectare land bank, a timely move to catch the China+1 relocation wave. CNCTech’s among 100 fastest growing company in 2022.